“It seems things have gone full circle – and potentially not in a good way,” muses a wistful-looking Post Magazine editor Lynn Rouse this week. The immediate cause of her unease is the planned scrappage of the Metropolitan Police’s stolen vehicle unit (SUV), but one senses deeper existential concerns at stake here.

Each week her haunting byline photo seems to offer a silent reproach to those of us who blithely go about our lives not troubling to look beneath the surface and confront problematic issues like the eternal conflict between predestination and free will.

Where others see merely that insurers will once again have to take up the slack as our cash-strapped government delegates another of its responsibilities to the vagaries of the Big Society, Lynn strives to comprehend the deeper unseen causal processes that ultimately drive these superficial effects.

The “worrying revelations” about the police’s latest strategic withdrawal, she says “have reignited concerns that UK insurers could inevitably be approached about additional private public partnerships, where the invoices invariably land on only the private sector’s desk.”

Her language clearly reflects a profound preoccupation with questions of what will be – and, more particularly, what perhaps must be. The tortuous “could inevitably” plainly betrays the vexed conceptual knot that so tortures her psyche.

Where will it all end, Lynn worries, speculating that “the ‘floodgate’ question will now undoubtedly be trained on other potential crimes where insurers have a vested interest. Will the same fate inevitably befall burglaries?” she wonders, returning inevitably to the question of inevitability. Could it be that inevitability itself is inevitably inevitable? Clearly, Lynn will know no peace until she has found some resolution to these nagging questions.

Until then Bankstone News can only look on helplessly, week after week, as her troubled portrait gazes inaccessibly into an intensely private world of perplexity.


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