Kart racing is not all about fun, of course. That’s why doing a lot of it in one go is referred to as endurance, rather than indulgence or bingeing or anything like that. No, you see, Korporate Karting, Insurance Endurance style also has what we like to call a higher purpose. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is raising much needed funds for a highly deserving charity.

This year’s event saw no lesser sum that £400.35 raised for The Insurance Charities. And if that’s not something worth celebrating then whoever invented bunting, balloons, party-poppers and stuff like that was basically wasting their time.

The specific sources of all this charitable donation were essentially trifoliate: a raffle, the Ignite Stimulator Challenge (see separate story) and an extremely generous individual donation from Aquarium software. (Why you’d need software in an aquarium, Bankstone News has frankly not the least idea, but perhaps you can find out by visiting their website).

An almost equally big vote of thanks goes to Paul Ingram from Motorcycles for Hire Limited who donated a Shoei RYD crash helmet worth £350 for the raffle, and to Rescuemycar.com who donated 12 months UK roadside assistance, recovery and home start breakdown membership.

Now, obviously, no-one in their right minds would ever suggest that £300 is anything other than a positively princely charity fundraising total, but if you’d like to inflate that total still further (or perhaps to out-do Aquarium’s cash splash sensation (and thereby get your name in light’s in a forthcoming edition of Bankstone News) you can do so by emailing Emma Bangar at The Insurance Charities or (if you’re shy) simply visiting their website here.

Not sure you really want to do that? Too mean or selfish? Then perhaps might want to reflect that countless studies have revealed that donating to charity makes you feel good and can even enhance your sexual potency. That’s surely not something to be sniffed at!


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