Insurance fraud expert body the FBI has revealed the best-performing crash for cash regions around the UK for Q2 2011. The good news for Midlanders is that Birmingham has held on to the number one spot, with Sheffield and Manchester also non-movers at 2 and 3 respectfully. So little changed in the three months in question, indeed, that Bankstone News half-wonders why we are even bothering telling you this.

But wait: South East London has jumped an astonishing eight places to number 16, and Portsmouth an even more quite literally astonishing 11 places to the giddy heights of number 20 in the chart, just four places behind Brighton which climbed an only slightly less astonishing nine places.

The FBI said it is currently monitoring 29 live organised fraud operations worth around £60m in total, with new rings springing up all the time. The FBI has helped secure 486 arrests to date with 119 convictions and misdemeanourators banged up for an astonishing total of 91 years equivalent to the sentence for stealing approximately 1.5 potatoes in Eighteenth Century terms.

Stick that in your pipe C4C cheats!


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