As you know, Bankstone News is all about you, our beloved readers.

Everything we do is quite literally done with you in mind.

When we sit down at our Wordmaster 2000 Electrotypester every morning (or whenever we finally get in to work), you’re the very first thing we think about.

Or at least, you’re the very first thing we think about after thinking about fetching a cup of Barleycup and Brandy, side-swiping incoming correspondence into the nearest bin, scratching our head, our a*se, and anything else that seems in need of scratching, inwardly reproving ourselves for missing bath night for a third week running, spraying a bit of Lynx (The scent of wild cat) from the filing draw in the general direction of our underarms, and wondering whence where we’re going to borrow a tenner for a couple of pints down the Badgers at lunchtime, and so on…

So, pretty much the first thing, basically.

Anyway, seeing as we spend so much time thinking about you, we thought it might be nice if we had some vague idea who you are, and, you know, what you’re all about and that. In case maybe we can ‘monetise’ that knowledge at some point in the future by flogging it to spam marketers, debt collectors, the government, GCHQ or whoever.

So, why not take part in our exciting Reader Survey! Simply complete the following six questions (multiple choice format to make it easy enough even for you) to guarantee you’ll continue receiving Bankstone News each week complete free of charge!

Q1.  How old are you!

( ) 0-5 years old  ( ) 6-30  ( ) Quite old  ( ) Really old

Q2.  Are you male or female?

( ) Yes  ( ) No  ( ) Maybe  ( ) Other

Q3.  Where do you live?

( ) Britain  ( ) Great Britain  ( ) UK ( ) Foreign

Q4.  What do you like?

( ) Cars  ( ) Motorcycles  ( ) Buses and things  ( ) Otters

Q5.  Who would win out of a shark and a tiger?

( ) Shark  ( ) Tiger  ( ) Draw  ( ) Otter

Q6. Would you like to receive occasional notifications on special offers from Uncle Bob’s House of Otters and other selected partners of Bankstone News? (Tick if yes, do not leave unticked for no)

( )

Thank you for participating in this important research project.



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