Men’s rights groups up and down the land were in uproar this week after it emerged this week that women are still being given an ‘easy ride’ by motor insurers.

Insurance firms, it seems are continuing to charge ladies less, despite an EU ruling making it illegal to offer them lower insurance premiums simply on the strength of their not being men.

“It’s not fair,” complained Geraint Humperdinck of Men First, “the law is clear, why should women have it all their own way?” Not only are men still be charged more, he points out, but the situation is getting worse not better.

According to price-comparison wombat Comparethesupermeerkat, men currently pay 27% more than women “for the cheapest deals”, compared with 20% more back in January 2013 when the EU first intervened to ban sexist discrimination against male drivers.

There are now fears that sex-obsessed motor insurers are sneakily targeting males through a process known as ‘underwriting’ which uses ‘sex-surrogates’ to punish males through the back door.

Men have been deliberately picked on by using ‘proxy factors’ such as car type, mileage, driving record and claims experience to create a loophole in the sex-equality legislation.

It seems, sadly, that, one way or another insurers, are hellbent on punishing male drivers for having more accidents.

Why, any rational person would surely wonder, should women be allowed to reverse in and out of the same space all day without paying the same premiums as men? Maybe we should take a leaf out of Saudi Arabia’s book and… really. Have they? Political correctness gone mad. That’s what it is.

Oh well, at least once we’ve got the hell out of Europe we can go back to good old fashioned sex discrimination and stop all this un-British subterfuge.


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