Do you like flip books? Bankstone News is willing to wager that you do. Who doesn’t after all! Ha, ha, ha. Lol 🙂

What do you mean ‘What’s a flip book?’ No, it’s not a glib, superficially humorous or otherwise unserious volume. No, it isn’t ‘something rude’ (perish the thought). And, no – although, inspired guess, that one – nor is it a lavishly illustrated retrospective of the late-lamented 80s London importer of discarded US 50s clothing.

A flip book is one of those online versions of a paper-based document where you can do the virtual equivalent of turning the pages and thereby navigate the thing at a ‘traditional’ pace.

Anyway, flip books are great; and now Bankstone has it very own one, faithfully based on its keenly awaited forthcoming brochure (see previous editions of Bankstone News).

We are happy to announce that this unique document is now available for your exclusive perusal at a web location you can reach by simply clicking here. Why not take a look!

In it you will find a host of fascinating information about Bankstone and the stuff it does, and a nicely judged quantity of well-grounded (often understated) claims to attributes such as professionalism, expertise, technical excellence and so on.

It’s an evocative and timeless portrait of a professional claims handling business at the very top of its game, a profound and moving tribute to the tireless dedication and perfectionism that sets a company like Bankstone apart from other superficially similar ones that aren’t really up to much, quite frankly.

We hope you enjoy it. But if you really aren’t down with bleeding-edge media technology like flip books and you’d prefer one of those old-skool offline ones, where you have to lick your tar-stained, unmanicured Wotsits-reeking fingers to turn the pages, never fear!

Those are available too (although all the signed ones have gone now).

You only have to ask!


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